Pauma victory Pauma compact suit Pauma v. California
Williams & Cochrane is first and foremost a tribal litigation firm designed to resolve compact, intergovernmental, commercial, and environmental problems in an efficient and affordable manner. Our firm strives to offer an unparalleled level of service and takes immense pride in the quality of our work product and the level of transparency and availability we provide our clients.
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Our sole focus is to protect the sovereignty of Indian tribes and the concomitant rights of tribal members through litigation and the development and advancement of governmental structures and economic enterprises. We recognize the present era is rather perilous for tribes and tribal members as governments and outsiders attempt to wrongfully encroach on tribal rights to better their own economic positions. Put simply, our firm exists to prevent this from happening.
Being part of tribal communities, we firmly believe that our clients’ problems are our own. An integral part of protecting tribal sovereignty involves encouraging tribal leaders and members to discuss their concerns in a welcoming and strictly confidential environment. Please allow us to do our job, and further tribal rights, by contacting us using the form below.
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